Thursday, October 23, 2008

First post

This blog was created so I can speak/write freely about what is bothering me, without feeling the judgement of my mother in law. My hubby let leak my first blog address, and now I feel like I need a second blog that I can ban her from. Its not that I don't get along with my mother in law, or that I don't like her. I just think that there are things in my life that she doesn't need to know. Is there anyone else out there that feels the same way? Yes I know I might be crazy, but she feels like she has the right to share all the details about my life to everyone she meets. The day that my mother in law found my other blog address, she managed to share it with every contact in her address book. I don't need all of my husbands family knowing my business.

So this is it. My new secret Blog. My outlet for venting about things that drive me nuts. For venting about my mother in law. I hope you enjoy.

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